Raised to the power of Mirman

School Information

Have questions about life at Mirman School? You’ll find all the resources you need below.

Visit the Parent Service League page for information on committees and volunteering.

General Information

List of 6 items.

  • Campus Map

    Click here to view the Campus Map
  • Mirman School Email Support

    Mirman School and the PSL utilize a service called MailChimp to manage and send community-wide emails and newsletters. While we will be notified if an email "bounces" back due to an incorrect address or typo, and we can see if an email has been opened and which links within the email were clicked, we cannot verify that an unopened email made it to your Inbox.

    Most families will never experience a problem with their email. You can expect to see one weekly email regardless of your grade affiliation: the Mirman Minutes on Fridays. You'll also on occasion receive the Parent Service League's Mustang Gazette on Sundays. Please email the Advancement Communications Coordinator if you do not receive the newsletters.
    To help improve email reliability, we ask families to take a few small steps:
    • Add the following email addresses to your contact list/address book/allowed list group:
    • Check your spam folder each week during the school year. If you do find a Mirman email in your spam folder, make sure to move that email back to your Inbox. Refer to your email settings or help section to learn how to manage your spam folder. By telling your email client that a Mirman email is OK, you will help improve deliverability of future Mirman emails.
    • For private, corporate, or university/college email domains, you may need to take the extra step of whitelisting MailChimp’s IP addresses. This is normally not necessary, but it’s a good step to take if you are experiencing problems receiving emails. Refer your IT or email manager to this website:
  • Calendar At-A-Glance 24-25

    Click here to view the live-updated master calendar

    August 28: First day of school

    November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break

    December 21 - January 5: Winter Break

    March 22 - April 6: Spring Break

    June 4: Last day of school / Field day

    June 5: Graduation
  • Calendar At-A-Glance 25-26

    Click here to view the live-updated master calendar.

    August 27: First day of school
    November 26-28: Thanksgiving Break
    December 20 - January 2: Winter Break
    March 21 - April 5: Spring Break
    June 3: Last day of school / Field day

    June 4: Graduation
  • Important Dates

    Please click on the following links for important dates.
    2024-2025 School Year

    2025-2026 School Year
  • Spirit Days

    On occasion, students will be permitted to wear non-uniform clothing. The guidelines for these occasions are as follows:
    • Mirman Wear days - Students may wear a non-uniform Mirman shirt from the PSL School Store or previous Mirman event with uniform bottoms
    • Spirit Day - Students may wear a theme-related shirt with uniform bottoms
    • Free Dress Days - Students may wear non-uniform clothing that adheres to the dress code guidelines
    The following guidelines will be enforced regardless of special events:
    • Clothing must be clean and in good repair with no rips or tears
    • Clothing must cover the chest, back, and stomach
    • Clothing must not be too small and must not reveal undergarments
    • Shirt tops must have one-inch straps and cannot be cut lower than the armpits. Midriff-baring shirts are not allowed
    • Bottoms may not reveal undergarments or be tight fitting
    • Footwear should be safe and secure around the heel
    • Logos or writing on clothing should be school appropriate
    • Clothing may not display / imply obscene, discriminatory, violent, or illegal conduct, slogans, or images.
    • Clothing must not depict or imply hate speech that targets groups based on race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religious affiliation, or any other protected classification

Policies & Required Documents

List of 5 items.

  • Uniform Policies & Dress Code

    Mirman recognizes the value of school uniforms, as well as the value of individual expression as students progress from early childhood to early adolescence. Safely expressing one’s identity is crucial to building a positive and meaningful educational environment. At the same time, as a school community, Mirman also values the expression of a unified collective identity that speaks to both the mission and philosophy of the institution. To honor both individual and collective expression, the School’s dress code is designed to provide inclusion, routines, togetherness, and community, all the while encouraging a safe and positive learning environment. All students are expected to wear school uniforms every day; general guidelines are provided below, though they are not prescriptive nor comprehensive. Division Heads reserve the right to define when a student’s dress code is unsafe or does not follow School guidelines.

    To Purchase Lands' End Uniforms

    Please click here to visit the official Lands’ End Mirman School portal. Visitors may either sign-in, create an account, or proceed as a guest shopper. Guest shoppers can easily search for Mirman School’s portal by following the on-screen instructions. Specify whether your child is in Lower School or Upper School. Please be sure to clearly label your child’s name on all uniform items so that they can be found once placed in the Lost and Found.

    Embroidering & Logos

    Shirts and Jumpers
    All polos and Lower School jumpers ordered from Lands’ End must have an embroidered Mirman logo.

    Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts
    Bottoms do not need a logo affixed. While you may purchase all bottoms from Lands’ End to ensure that the grey and navy shades, styles, and fabrics match, if you are able to find these uniform articles at another vendor, please be sure the colors, styles, and fabrics match what is listed on the Lands’ End website (i.e. corduroy or cargo pants are not permissible).

    Raincoats and winter jackets do not need a logo affixed. While you may purchase outerwear from Lands’ End to ensure that the grey and navy shades, styles, and fabrics match School uniform colors, if you are able to find these uniform articles at another vendor, please be sure the colors, styles, and fabrics match what is listed on the Lands’ End website and have no logos/writing.

    Additional Requirements

    • Navy or heather grey leggings, tights or shorts may be worn only under skirts, jumpers, or shorts.
    • Bottoms may not reveal undergarments or be tight fitting.
    • Students are required to wear sports shoes during physical education classes. Students may keep an additional pair of shoes in their lockers/backpacks for this purpose.
    • Sandals, flip-flops or backless shoes, platforms, or high heels are not acceptable unless at a specified and designated event (such as a school dance or performance).
    • Shirt tops must have one-inch straps and cannot be cut lower than the armpits. Midriff-baring shirts are not allowed (even on free dress days).
    • See-through or mesh garments must not be worn.
    • Socks below the knee may be any color.
    • Non-uniform Spirit Wear may be worn only on Spirit Days.
    • No sweatpants or mesh/gym shorts (including former Mirman uniform sweatpants/gym shorts) may be worn to school as part of Mirman uniform.
    • If on an athletic team, a game jersey may be worn to school on a game day, accompanied by uniform bottoms. An athlete may change into full team uniform at lunchtime.
    • While coloration of hair is allowed, permanent unnatural hair coloration for students is not permitted (e.g., lime green, hot pink, etc.). Exceptions are made in conjunction with special events on the school calendar with approval from the appropriate Division Head.
    • Mirman uniform hats and beanies (available from the PSL store) may be worn outdoors for protection from the elements (e.g., heat, cold), but are not to be worn indoors, including at assemblies.
    • Attire/headdress adhering to specific religions will be allowed in accordance with the rest of the dress code.
    Students who do not adhere to the dress code will be sent to their Division Head. Families of students who wear non-uniform items will receive a communication from the school.
  • Team Sports/Athletics Information

    Students in Fourth Grade through Upper School 4 are eligible to participate in athletics. Practices take place during Physical Education class time, and games will be after school. Each student-athlete must submit an Athletic Commitment Form and sign the Athletics Handbook, both of which are made available by email to all families of eligible athletes prior to the start of each season.

    Additional health forms may be necessary to compete in team sports. The Athletic Director will advise all families of necessary forms and deadlines as they come up.
  • Student Health Information

    Mirman utilizes Magnus Health SMR to maintain student immunizations, allergies and other related health information. Magnus is a widely used and well-regarded platform, and there are many benefits to their service, including less paperwork for families to complete each year and having more accurate information that is accessible to families and the appropriate employees at our school.

    As this is a secure web-based system, you will have continuous access to your child’s health records, as well as the ability to make updates when needed. You will also have the option to take the digital health file with you after your child graduates. Please take a moment to review Magnus’ Security and Privacy Policy, and if you have any questions, please direct them to School Registrar Jessica Curry.
  • Tech/Laptops Policies

    Students will be provided with technology (an Apple laptop or Apple iPad), software, and user licenses , a power adapter and cord, a protective laptop case, and other miscellaneous items (“Technology”) included as part of Flexible Tuition at no additional charge. Mirman retains sole right of possession of the Technology and grants permission to students to use the Technology according to guidelines set forth herein. Under no circumstances will ownership of the Technology transfer to a student or to the family.  Mirman retains the right to collect and/or inspect the Technology at any time, including via electronic remote access, and to alter, add, or delete installed software or hardware. In addition, students, families, or caregivers are not permitted to perform repairs on any devices.

    Please refer to the family handbook for more details.
  • Family Handbook

    All families and students must read and sign the Family Handbook prior to the start of the school year. If you did not receive this manual over the summer and need it resent, please contact the Advancement Communications Coordinator

Daily Life

List of 4 items.

  • Absences Due to Illness

    Mirman School practices an ethic of care and consideration for all community members. We suggest that families consult this helpful symptom guidance provided by the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health to assist in decision-making about absences due to illness. (Please note: Regarding COVID, it is Mirman's specific policy that any student who has tested positive for COVID to wear a high-quality, properly fitting mask for 10 days after their first positive test. Having a negative test right after being positive does not mean a person can be unmasked around others during that window.)
  • Teacher Emails

    Please visit our Faculty Page for contact information.
  • Ordering Lunch

    Families are asked to provide their child with a nut-free snack and refillable water bottle for use throughout the school day. Filtered, cold drinking water is available at our multiple refillable water stations around campus. For maximum hygiene and safety, water fountains will remain off, so sending a water bottle is crucial.
    Families have the option of ordering a prepared lunch provided through LA Lunch Lady or bringing their own lunch from home. Lunch boxes or disposable bags must be labeled with your child’s name and fit back into their backpack after lunch.
    • Menu selections, prices, and the pre-paid online ordering system are available at
    • All lunches will be individually packaged and delivered to either your child’s classroom or designated lunch area.
    • Normally, orders may be placed until 11:59 p.m. for the following day, and can be cancelled via email the same day by 7:30 a.m. for full refund.
    • A subscription plan that offer discounted pricing is available per semester.
    Please contact LA Lunch Lady directly with any questions regarding the Hot Lunch program via email to

    We ask that your child’s lunch be ordered in a timely fashion as the vendor does not accept cash walk-up orders. In the unfortunate event that a student does not have a lunch, one will be provided by LA Lunch Lady and the family will be billed directly with an additional fee of $4 per meal. This accommodation will be extended in cases of periodic occurrence, but lunch orders should routinely be placed online in advance.
  • Bus Transportation

    Please contact with any questions regarding our schedule or safety protocols.

    Mirman School contracts with Mission School Transportation to provide convenient and safe bus service. Information about bus service each year is made available in the summer, but students may sign up at any time during the school year (if seats are available) by contacting

    Mirman School uses the third-party software School Pass to ensure the safety and whereabouts of its students. Parents are required to use School Pass to make any changes to a child’s scheduled mode of transportation, location, time of pickup, and time of drop-off for their child. Afternoon changes to the bus must be entered in School Pass by 2 p.m. daily. The School will not accept phone calls or emails to make changes except in an emergency.
© 2021 Mirman School. All rights reserved.

Non-discrimination Policy

Mirman School is committed to building and sustaining a community
that is free from discrimination of any kind. Mirman School does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender
expression, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin in its admission
process or in the administration of any school program or policy.
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