Raised to the power of Mirman

Upper School 2

Now with one year of middle school under their belt, Sixth Grade students can begin to take advantage of expanded course offerings, increased student leadership opportunities such as eligibility for Student Council officer positions, and more. Though many of Mirman’s Sixth Grade students have been part of the community since Lower School, Sixth Grade also represents a popular entry point for students and families seeking a more high-touch middle school experience than is typically available in schools serving grades 6-12.

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List of 11 items.

  • Earth and Space Science (Science II)

    Students in Science II explore the planet Earth and our place on the planet. Students will focus on developing models to illustrate how Earth’s interaction with the Sun and Moon shape our world. They then study the natural systems which shape Earth’s landscape, weather, and climate. A final unit on the interaction of Earth and humans culminates in a final project communicating consequences of and potential solutions to climate change. This is also the first year of eligibility for the Science Fair as students experience running a full research project from start to finish. 
  • Electives

    Upper School students further pursue their passions in elective offerings ranging from science fiction to coding to political science. Some offerings run all year long, while others rotate. Electives are offered based on student interest and faculty expertise, and as a result there are many offerings from which to choose! Please click here to view a list of some recent offerings (note: not all electives are offered each year).
  • English

    Sixth Grade English develops the essential skills of inference, deduction, critical analysis, laying the foundations for the successful interpretation of literary texts. Apropos of their own experience, students read a range of prose and poetry from across time and place relating to the theme of “growing up.” Students then dive under the surface of canonical pieces as they consider the theme of “heroes and villains.” Finally, students will examine “language and power,” observing rhetoric through polemical writing and propaganda.
  • Makers and Methods

    This design workshop allows students to plan, iterate, and innovate ideas while learning about standard maker tools. This course embraces tinkering, playing, experimentation, iteration, and collaboration — from process to product. Students begin by rotating through stations to learn skills in woodwork, soldering, sewing, manual tools, and 3D modeling/printing. As time progresses, the Innovation and Design Lab serves as a workshop for cross-curricularly integrated assignments and project-based learning.
  • Mathematics

    Mirman’s Upper School math program is a comprehensive and flexible program that begins with Math Innovations as a foundational middle grades curriculum and progresses through Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus. Based on their prior experience and current rates of acquisition and retention, students enter and exit the program in different places. The most typical progression is for students to take Innovations 1 in Fifth Grade, Innovations 2 in Sixth Grade, Algebra in Seventh Grade, and Geometry or Algebra 2 in Eighth Grade. Students who demonstrate readiness for courses outside of the normal progression have the opportunity to take Precalculus and Calculus before graduating from Mirman. All Mirman math classes emphasize mathematical analysis, problem solving, strong communication skills, depth and complexity, and continuous reflection about mathematical practices.
  • Music II

    This semester-long course focuses on music through performance. Students will expand their musical knowledge and literacy through Orff percussion and ukulele ensembles. In addition to performance practice, students will also have opportunities for composition. They will continue to explore music history while listening to and analyzing music from a variety of cultures, genres, and time periods, ultimately developing a clear understanding of the importance of music in our greater society.
  • Painting (Art II)

    After a year of studying the fundamentals of drawing, Sixth Grade students begin to work toward mastery with a variety of painting techniques. Color theory is explored as a means to communicate mood in their work. Students engage in self-discovery by mining art history to discover the artists and art movements that inspire them. Overall, art study in Sixth Grade emphasizes the notion of art as a reflection of society and form of communication.
  • Physical Education

    Athletes in Sixth Grade have the choice of participating in either organized athletics (practicing with their teams during class time) or working with their PE teacher. In both cases, students will go more in depth within units including interval and circuit training, rhythmic movements, and cooperative activities emphasizing sportsmanship for both team and individual athletes. Students will track their improvement through Personal Fitness Scores.
  • Theatre II

    As they continue in Upper School, Theatre II students play with more advanced improvisation techniques. Students explore acting technique by performing in a scene written by a prominent American playwright. Through pair acting, directing and designing, the students practice peer review and are able to constructively assess their own and other’s work.
  • World History II

    World History II is a continuation of World History I and surveys historical trends, forces, developments and events around the world that connects multiple communities and underrepresented voices. Beginning with Greco-Roman society, the course proceeds to investigate the history and geography of the Medieval world, including the rise and spread of Islamic Civilization, Eastern and Western Sub-Saharan African Empires, South Asia, and Central and South America. The course seeks to blend both the larger trajectories of social, political, and economic developments with the experiences of known and underrepresented individuals and communities.
  • World Languages

    Our World Languages Department is focused on creating proficiency-based courses, with curriculum aligned to the standards and guidelines of the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). Teachers are dedicated to providing a dynamic, student-centered language acquisition experience. Students in Upper School may choose Latin, Mandarin, or Spanish, and progress one level per year.
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Mirman School is committed to building and sustaining a community
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