Raised to the power of Mirman

Welcome to the Mirman community

Welcome to the Mirman community!

We're so glad to have you with us! Please peruse the sections below to find out everything you need to know to have a great start to the school year!

All-School Information

List of 16 items.

  • Who Can I Ask?

    Getting to know a new school can be daunting at first, but we want to make the transition as smooth as possible. As you get to know us, we've highlighted some administrators below who can help you with frequently asked "start-up" questions. Click on their names to send them an email. 

    Who is my "Division Head?"
    Head of Upper School: Ray Cunningham
    Head of Lower School: Stephanie Leung

    Who can answer questions about health forms?
    School Registrar: Jessica Curry

    I have a question about payments or Flexible Tuition. Who should I talk to?
    Business Office: Allison Wang

    Who can help me with information on the bus service?
    Bus Team: bus@mirman.org

    I need to get in touch with my child at school. Who should I call?
    Front Desk: (310) 476-2868

    Who can help me set up after-school care and enrichment classes?
    Director of Extended Day Programs: Rita Anne Smith
  • Equity, Inclusion, and Community

    Mirman School is actively committed to becoming an anti-racist institution, and much of that work requires partnership with our parent community. We encourage you to learn more about the many ways you can get involved in our diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) initiatives. Click here to learn more.

    For more information, you can reach out to: 

    Ericka Dean
    Director of Equity, Inclusion and Community
  • Academic Calendar At-A-Glance

    August 27:
     First day of school

    November 26-28:
     Thanksgiving Break

    December 20 - January 2:
     Winter Break

    March 21 - April 5:
     Spring Break

    June 3:
    Last day of school / Field day

    June 4:
     Eighth Grade Graduation
  • Required Medical Forms

    As required by California law, for your child(ren) to attend school in the fall, you must provide proof of their immunizations. Your child(ren) will not be allowed to attend school unless we are in receipt of the immunization form. The state will allow an exemption for valid medical reasons from a doctor; however, the personal exemption is no longer valid. Please see this current list of required immunizations and forms.

    We will provide a form called Report of Health Examination for School Entry, on which your doctor can list your child(ren)’s vaccination history. The school will also accept a comparable proof of immunization form, if provided by your doctor’s office.
    In addition to proof of immunizations, Mirman School asks you to review and/or complete:
    • Mirman’s Prescription/Non-Prescription Medication Administration policy
    • A general medical release form
    • A Permission to Administer Prescription/Non-Prescription Medication form
    • A Permission, Acceptance of Risk, and Release from Liability Prescription/Non-Prescription Drug Medication form
    • Food Allergy Action Plan (if applicable)
    You will receive an email from us in the early part of summer introducing our health system and giving you instructions for accessing the system.
  • Transportation

    Through the years, Mirman School has provided bus service in conjunction with Berkeley Hall School for the convenience of our families, to lessen the impact of vehicle emissions on the environment, and to alleviate some of the congestion on Mulholland Drive.

    Mirman School has morning and afternoon bus routes. We also have late buses with slightly variant routes. Please visit the "Transportation" section of our Family Resources Page for more information. Guests may occasionally ride the bus for a fee; more information is available on the aforementioned page.

    We will send an interest inquiry form in May, followed shortly thereafter by information on how to sign up for the bus. We will also send a "carpool roster" during the summer sorted by ZIP code to facilitate carpooling.
  • Extended Day Programs

    Mirman's extended day programs run from dismissal until 6:00 p.m. on days when school is in regular session. Students have the option to choose between supervised free play on the playground, the quiet of a supervised Study Hall, or Homework Club. In addition, enrichment classes are offered for several weeks throughout the school year. The enrichment catalogs are made available via email in advance of each enrichment session opening.

    Visit our Annex page to learn more and to sign up.
  • Uniform Policies & Dress Code

    Lands' End is the provider of Mirman School's uniforms. Our dress code is designed to promote a neat, orderly, and appropriate appearance that fosters pride, self-esteem and community. All students are expected to wear appropriate school uniforms every day.

    To Purchase Lands' End Uniforms

    Please click here to visit the official Lands’ End Mirman School portal. Visitors may either sign-in, create an account, or proceed as a guest shopper. Guest shoppers can easily search for Mirman School’s portal by following the on-screen instructions. Specify your child's gender and whether they are in Lower School or Upper School. Please note that it is important to assign each child by division (rather than class or room teacher) to find the list of appropriate uniform options.

    The Mirman School portal is up-to-date with all the appropriate options for Lower and Upper School student(s). The Uniform Checklist featured on the portal will help you navigate the uniform selections that are appropriate for each division.

    Creating an account is not required, but has several advantages, such as the ability to save your child’s profile information, quicker checkout, and access to more sales and discounts from Lands’ End. If you ever get lost or misdirected while logged in, you can find the Mirman School uniform portal again by clicking “My Account” and selecting “Manage Account.” A link to “School Uniforms” can be found on the left side of the Account Management page.

    Please note that all uniform items should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.

    For more detailed dress code information, see the "Uniform Policies & Dress Code" section on our Family Resources page.
  • Mentor Family Program

    Current Mirman families volunteer to serve as mentors to new Mirman families to ease the transition to their new school. Mentors will introduce you to other members of the community, invite you to events and playdates, and answer your questions. New families will be contacted by their mentor family after they enroll in the spring. Please contact admission@mirman.org if you have questions about the mentor program.
  • Camp Mirman

    Camp Mirman, a comprehensive STEAM day camp over the summer, is a great way to get to know the community before the school year starts! Please visit the Camp Mirman page for updates and information.
  • Parent Service League

    All families are automatically members of the Parent Service League, Mirman's family organization supporting community connections and school service. There are events and volunteer opportunities for every possible level of time and interest. Come visit our PSL Page to learn more and sign up!
  • Philanthropy at Mirman

    Philanthropy and giving at Mirman School are part of our school culture, and throughout the school year, there will be many opportunities to support our school's philanthropic efforts. Our primary fundraising priority is through our Annual Giving Campaign, which helps offset the difference between tuition and the actual cost of educating students and makes up roughly 10% of our annual operating budget. This yearly campaign starts in the fall and aims to achieve 100% participation from all our families. For the past several years, we have reached this goal and hope to again this year. A member of the Annual Giving team will reach out to your family in the fall with more details. 
  • Ordering Lunch

    Families are asked to provide their child with a nut-free snack and refillable water bottle for use throughout the school day. Filtered, cold drinking water is available at our multiple refillable water stations around campus. For maximum hygiene and safety, water fountains will remain off, so sending a water bottle is crucial.
    Families have the option of ordering a prepared lunch provided through LA Lunch Lady or bringing their own lunch from home. Lunch boxes or disposable bags must be labeled with your child’s name and fit back into their backpack after lunch.
    • Menu selections, prices, and the pre-paid online ordering system are available at www.lalunchlady.com.
    • All lunches will be individually packaged and delivered to either your child’s classroom or designated lunch area.
    • Normally, orders may be placed until 11:59 p.m. for the following day, and can be cancelled via email the same day by 7:30 a.m. for full refund.
    • A subscription plan that offer discounted pricing is available per semester.
    Please contact LA Lunch Lady directly with any questions regarding the Hot Lunch program via email to service@lalunchlady.com.

    We ask that your child’s lunch be ordered in a timely fashion as the vendor does not accept cash walk-up orders. In the unfortunate event that a student does not have a lunch, one will be provided by LA Lunch Lady and the family will be billed directly with an additional fee of $4 per meal. This accommodation will be extended in cases of periodic occurrence, but lunch orders should routinely be placed online in advance.
  • Weekly Newsletters

    The Mirman administration publishes a weekly newsletter, The Mirman Minutes, including any and all information about the school's programs and divisions. It's important to read this thoroughly each week, as this will be your primary communication for all school news. Additionally, the Parent Service League publishes a weekly newsletter, The Mustang Gazette, which includes a weekly calendar, school news, event announcements and recaps, snapshots from the week, and more! You'll be automatically signed up to receive the newsletter, which begins the week before school starts in August.
  • Team Sports/Athletics Information

    Students in Fourth through Eighth Grade are eligible to participate in athletics. Practices take place during Physical Education class time, and games will be after school. Each student-athlete must submit an Athletic Commitment Form and sign the Athletics Handbook, both of which are made available by email to all families of eligible athletes prior to the start of each season.

    Additional health forms may be necessary to compete in team sports. The Athletics Director will advise all families of necessary forms and deadlines as they come up.
  • Attendance

    Please inform the front office at attendance@mirman.org if your child will be absent. If your student shows up as absent without prior notification, an automated phone alert will be sent to you through our SchoolMessenger messaging system.
  • Arrival and Dismissal

    Our goal is to safely and efficiently receive and dismiss all students from campus in a timely manner. In order to expedite this process, we are asking families to adopt the following procedures.

    Morning Drop-off Procedures

    Morning carpool lines begin at 7:15 a.m. Due to safety considerations, drivers must remain in their vehicles while driving through the carpool lines. Students may only exit when assisted by a staff member. Drivers may not pass vehicles in the carpool line. After dropping off your child, proceed directly to Mulholland Drive and turn right.

    Please note: Wednesdays are a designated "late start" day at Mirman. Classes begin at 9:00 a.m., but drop off can still take place any time between 7:15 a.m and the beginning of classes.

    • Lower School/Mixed Carpools
      All Lower School students and Lower School/Upper School mixed carpools are to exit their vehicles at the front Carpool Zone (area directly in front of the flagpole west of the front office).
    • Upper School
      Upper School students are dropped off at the back gate, next to the Upper School building. Upper School students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. must be dropped off at the front gates.

    Afternoon Pick-up Procedures

    Students will be released to approved caregivers as noted by access to placard placed on the front windshield of your vehicle. All families will be provided with 4 placards to be used in order to identify individuals who are approved to pick up students. Additional placards can be requested at the front office if needed. If your child is in a carpool, they should know the name of the carpool picking them up.

    Additionally, we are encouraging caregivers to not park and pick up their child from dismissal area from 3:10 p.m.-3:45 p.m. If you must enter campus to pick up your child during this time please park in the front lot and enter from the security gate, access the crosswalk, and proceed to the front desk.

    • Lower School Students
      The 3:10 p.m. pickup is for individual Lower School students and carpools that consist of only Lower School students. Students will be called to the Front Launching Pad as vehicles enter the front gate. To ensure the highest level of safety, we ask drivers to stay inside their vehicles while staff members load students. Vehicles must pull up to the front of the line and exit only when directed to. Any child not picked up by 3:30 p.m. will be sent to the Extended Day program.
    • Upper School Students/Mixed carpools
      The 3:30 p.m. pickup is for all individual Upper School students and carpools consisting of Upper School students and/or Upper School/Lower School mixed carpools.

    Pickup time may not be used as an opportunity for a parent/teacher conference. Teachers are on duty to ensure student safety and to assist with the efficient departure of Mirman students. Any child not picked up by 3:45 p.m. will be accompanied to the Extended Day program to await pickup by the parent or authorized adult. A parent or authorized adult who arrives after carpool has ended should park and proceed to the security gate at the front of the school. Please note that dismissal times will be noted on the master calendar for abbreviated days.

    Special Arrangements

    Parents should sign out students in the front office when early pick up is necessary. Please inform the front office at attendance@mirman.org and the child’s teacher if your child needs to be picked up early. Should the occasion arise when a family cannot pick up their child, it is necessary to inform the front office. The designated driver should be directed to come to the front office for pickup. In the case that a family chooses to use a ride-sharing service (including HopSkipDrive), it is the parent’s responsibility to notify the front desk at attendance@mirman.org to ensure that the student is being picked up by an appropriate person. In the event of an off-hours front office pickup, front office personnel will release students only to adults listed on the student’s Mirman School Emergency Preparedness Form which can be located on Magnus Health SMR. In the event of a change in dismissal plans, please inform the front office in writing.

Lower School

List of 4 items.

  • Daily Schedule

    Mirman welcomes families on campus from 7:15 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on regular school days. The academic school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Families should make every effort to arrive to school by 7:45 a.m. Early arriving students should go to the Library or Central Lawn. When classroom doors open, students may unpack and prepare for the day.

    We operate on a seven-day cycle designated by letter days (A through G). Lower School students split their time between their homeroom and time with specialists (math, science, art, theatre, music, Spanish, Mandarin, etc.) who rotate through the classrooms between one and four times per cycle, depending on the subject.

    Lower School dismisses at 3:10 p.m., and Extended Day programs run until 6:00 p.m.

    For Kindergarten students, dismissal is 12:00 p.m. for the first week of school in order to help ease their transition to Mirman.
  • World Language Choice

    The Lower School World Languages program consists of Spanish and Mandarin, both of which have dedicated full-time specialist instructors. Kindergarteners are exposed to Spanish or Mandarin four times per six-day cycle and then switch. At the end of the year, families will then work with their children to select a language in which to specialize from First Grade onwards.
  • New Family Events

    New Families Welcome Reception: Thursday, April 18 at 6:00 p.m. (Adults only, please)

    New Student Playdate and Parent/Guardian Welcome: Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m. (students and adults)

    Language Choices Due: Friday, May 3

    Medical Records Due: Friday, July 12

    Get To Know You Conferences: Monday, August 26 and Tuesday, August 27

    Lower School Ice Cream Social: Tuesday, August 27 

    First Day of School: Wednesday, August 28
  • Classroom, Supply, and Reading Lists

    Summer reading and school supply lists will be emailed to you over the summer.

Upper School

List of 5 items.

  • Daily Schedule

    Mirman welcomes families on campus from 7:15 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on regular school days. The academic school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Families should make every effort to arrive to school by 7:45 a.m. Early arriving students should go to the Library or Central Lawn. When classroom doors open, students may unpack and prepare for the day.

    We operate on a seven-day cycle designated by letter days (A through G). For Upper School, these daily rotations move them through their core classes as well as two- and four-day electives, LEAP (an innovative program celebrating student initiative and passion projects), flex time (study periods), and Advisory (the Social Emotional Learning component of Upper School).

    Upper School dismisses at 3:30 p.m., and Extended Day programs run until 6:00 p.m.
  • Homework Policy

    Mirman feels that homework is a meaningful part of the educational process. Homework is given for review, reflection, and enrichment.

    • Each student is responsible for assigned homework.
    • Homework is generally given each day, though not in every subject. All homework is to be completed and turned in by the due date.
    • Grades may be adversely affected when classroom projects/assignments are handed in late.
    • When students are absent due to illness or for any reason, they are expected to make up all homework assignments.
    • Homework assignments will not be given in advance for absences unrelated to illness or family emergencies.
    • If a child is absent, homework may be obtained on Blackbaud.
    • If a student or family has any concerns or questions about homework, they may contact the teacher.
  • Math Placement, Electives, and World Languages Choice

    At Mirman, we believe learning should have no ceiling. This philosophy is reflected in our differentiated math options, our robust World Languages program, and our range of two- and four-day electives. Assessments for math will take place over the summer. Elective signups will begin in the fall, and World Language tracks offered include Spanish, Latin, and Mandarin. To explore the Upper School experience, visit the program page.
  • Summer Reading Lists

    Summer reading and school supply lists will be emailed to you over the summer.
  • New Family Events

    New Families Welcome Reception: Thursday, April 18 at 6:00 p.m. (Adults only, please)

    New Student Playdate and Parent/Guardian Welcome: Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m. (students and adults)

    Language Choices Due: Friday, May 3

    Medical Records Due: Friday, July 12

    Upper School Orientation: Monday, August 26

    First Day of School: Wednesday, August 28
© 2021 Mirman School. All rights reserved.

Non-discrimination Policy

Mirman School is committed to building and sustaining a community
that is free from discrimination of any kind. Mirman School does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender
expression, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin in its admission
process or in the administration of any school program or policy.
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