Raised to the power of Mirman

Upper School 3

Seventh Grade is a pivotal year for students as they continue to move more in depth in not only their core curricular studies, but within their individual areas of interest. Whether a student is passionate about being on the staff of Mirman’s award-winning yearbook, prefers to spend their time on competitive math pursuits, or seeks to perform in a jazz combo band, there’s no shortage of opportunities to explore. In particular, one experience stands out as unique to the Seventh Grade experience at Mirman — all students participate in a fully realized theatrical production with a multi-day run.

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List of 10 items.

  • Design, Compute, Build

    Beginning with tool familiarization and skill building (e.g. applications in computational thinking, learning Python, C++) and eventually moving into larger projects based on student interest,
    This course promotes innovative hands-on learning through hardware (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.) and software (Terminal, Atom, etc.) development. Ample time for tinkering and research culminates in the design and creation of a capstone project.
  • Electives

    Upper School students further pursue their passions in elective offerings ranging from science fiction to coding to political science. Some offerings run all year long, while others rotate. Electives are offered based on student interest and faculty expertise, and as a result there are many offerings from which to choose! Please click here to view a list of some recent offerings (note: not all electives are offered each year).
  • English

    By Seventh Grade, Mirman students are avid readers across a wide range of texts, time periods, genres, and subjects. An emphasis is placed on reading critically and comparatively between texts, and students are asked to exhibit a deep understanding of context as well as content. Building on knowledge gained from their wide reading, they are expected to take advantage of this ample inspiration to inform and improve their own writing.
  • Life Sciences (Science III)

    In Science III, students explore the fundamentals of life via biology and ecology. Beginning on the cellular level and moving through the development of complex ecosystems, students will gain a thorough understanding of the natural world from both a micro and macro perspective. The study of genetics and evolution rounds out the course syllabus. Projects have a heavy research focus (including Science Fair) in order to further develop students’ skills in data collection and analysis, modeling, and interpreting and presenting findings. 
  • Mathematics

    Mirman’s Upper School math program is a comprehensive and flexible program that begins with Math Innovations as a foundational middle grades curriculum and progresses through Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus. Based on their prior experience and current rates of acquisition and retention, students enter and exit the program in different places. The most typical progression is for students to take Innovations 1 in Fifth Grade, Innovations 2 in Sixth Grade, Algebra in Seventh Grade, and Geometry or Algebra 2 in Eighth Grade. Students who demonstrate readiness for courses outside of the normal progression have the opportunity to take Precalculus and Calculus before graduating from Mirman. All Mirman math classes emphasize mathematical analysis, problem solving, strong communication skills, depth and complexity, and continuous reflection about mathematical practices.
  • Physical Education

    Athletes in Seventh Grade have the choice of participating in either organized athletics (practicing with their teams during class time) or working with their PE teacher. Students utilize more mature techniques for movement patterns and practice gameplay strategies. This course introduces outdoor and adventure activities and healthy ways to manage stress including Tai Chi. Students continue to take part in FitnessGram testing.
  • Theatre III

    The focus of Theatre III is play production. This course builds students’ performance and technical skills, including working with the lighting, sound, props, run-crew, and costumes. More is expected of students in relation to their executive functioning skills — they must manage time, prioritize responsibilities, and meet deadlines for a production. Students engage in the theatrical production process through auditions, cold reading, pre-production, rehearsal, creation of a written character biography, all of which culminate in a multi-day play production.
  • Three-Dimensional Design (Art III)

    As a variety of three-dimensional techniques are added to their repertoire, students continue to explore the historical and societal contexts surrounding these techniques. Artists in US3 will practice understanding, describing, and critiquing the three-dimensional work of others while improving their own grasp on three-dimensional art using clay, wood, paper, and soldering. Students will create sculptures based on additive or subtractive processes, using both simulated and real textures in their work.
  • US History

    The Third Year course in U.S. History begins with European colonialism in the Americas and the interactions and impacts of English colonialism on indigenous communities. Students continue to investigate the creation of the United States through the revolution and adoption of the republican government with emphasis on the Confederation and Constitutional periods. The course transitions to the Antebellum Period and examines the political, social and economic forces that shape the country during the 1850s. Through this historical trajectory, students identify the causes, contexts, and outcomes of the Civil War through an inclusive lens that integrates the underrepresented narratives as crucial to understanding the formation of our nation-state. The final units cover the Reconstruction Era, the Gilded Age, and the conflicting tensions during these periods. Throughout this course, students will examine the influences and impacts of both known and underrepresented historical figures within U.S. History as well as the complexities of their motives and contexts in which they lived and worked.
  • World Languages

    Our World Languages Department is focused on creating proficiency-based courses, with curriculum aligned to the standards and guidelines of the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). Teachers are dedicated to providing a dynamic, student-centered language acquisition experience. Students in Upper School may choose Latin, Mandarin, or Spanish, and progress one level per year.
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